Tag Archives: financial crisis

Making the most of the meltdown

Wall Street/ Credit Flickr user carlossg

Wall Street/ Credit Flickr user carlossg

Today, President Obama was on Wall Street, discussing the financial crisis and next steps on the one-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers meltdown. Nightly Business Report revisited the collapse and also shared Treasury Secretary Larry Summers’ reaction from one year ago.

“As for Wall Street itself, there is little evidence any lessons have been learned,” NBR’s New York Bureau Chief Scott Gurvey writes.

In Congress, things are also slow to change.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) recently answered a popular question posed on Ask Your Lawmaker: “It seems that a simple fix to one of the key causes of the current financial meltdown would be to create regulation or statute that requires mortgage originators to service the loans they originate through the life of the loan. Will you enact such legislation now?”

His response was tempered:

“It is important that whoever the servicer is have full rights to restructure the mortgage. So I think it’s acceptable to say it can be sold, as long as the originator—the originator should not be able to sell the entire responsibility for the loss—the originator should have to retain some of the risk.”

Have we learned anything in the past year? On a more personal level, people are making adjustments, even where Wall Street has not. Marketplace spoke with experts and everyday people about how our habits have changed.

“Our family did little things, like making coffee at home instead of stopping at Starbucks on the way to work. And big things, like putting together an emergency fund. Even for those of us lucky enough to keep our jobs, the fear was palpable, intimate, because it was our money at stake, yet utterly global in scale,” correspondent Tess Vigeland reported.

What little things have you done to reflect the larger financial changes the country has faced this past year?